Introduction to FusionCache: Simplifying Caching in .NET

Hello everyone, and welcome to .NET Core Central! Today, I’m excited to introduce you to FusionCache, a powerful NuGet package that offers a facade on top of other distributed caches, along with several advanced features that can significantly simplify your caching strategy. In this post, we’ll cover the basics of using this Nuget package, and … Read more

Redis Cache in .Net Core – Docker Container

Using a caching solution becomes important when we are building a high performant web-based application or micro-services system. I wrote about using Memcached as a distributed caching solution in my previous blog. In today’s blog, I am going to take a deep dive into Redis Cache as a distributed in-memory caching solution for .Net Core. … Read more

Using Memcached as Distributed Cache in .NET Core

Using a distributed cache is key for building a high performant distributed system. Most of the time going to a distributed in-memory cache is better than hitting a centralized database. However, there are multiple options to choose from. But arguably the most popular ones are Memcached and Redis. In this post, I will explore using … Read more