Hello everyone, welcome back to .Net Core Central. Today I am going to build a streaming application using ASP.Net Core and Kafka. This post is the first of the two post series in streaming in .Net Core. And I will be using Apache Kafka as the streaming platform.
I will continue with the same .Net Core solution, that I have created in my post Creating First ASP.Net Core Web API Application. So lets get started.
What is Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform. And it provides following three key capabilities:
- Publish and subscribe to streams of records
- Store streams of record in a fault tolerant way
- Let’s application process streams of records as they appear
Kafka runs as a cluster on one or more servers. And in Kafka, records are stored in categories called topics, where each record has a key, a value and a timestamp.
There are two main broad categories of applications where Kafka can be used.
- building real-time fault tolerant streaming data pipeline.
- Building real-time fault tolerant streaming applications.
Kafka has four core API’s, Producer, Consumer, Streams and Connector. For this post, I will be focusing only on Producer and Consumer. I will be using built in Producer and create .Net Core Consumer. In my next post, I will be creating .Net Core Producer.
Installing Kafka and its dependencies
Kafka has dependency on Java Runtime and Zookeeper. Hence, before I install Kafka, I will have to install JRE8 and Zookeeper. Also Zookeeper and Kafka uses .gz compression. As a result 7zip also needs to be installed to extract these files.
7zip Installation
For installing 7zip, I first download the version “7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64 (Intel 64 or AMD64)” from the website http://www.7-zip.org/download.html and installed it.
JRE 8 Installation
I downloaded and installed the Windows x64 Offline version from the oracle website http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html .
After JRE is installed, first of all, I created a system environment variable named “JAVA_HOME” and provided the path of the JRE install. Also I updated the system environment variable Path, and appended “%JAVA_HOME%\bin” in the end. This will enable the use of Java command from any path in command prompt.
Zookeeper Installation
Anter 7zip and JRE is installed, I downloaded the latest version of the Zookeeper from the Zookeeper website http://zookeeper.apache.org/releases.html . After downloading, I extracted the downloaded file into “C:\zookeeper-3.4.10” folder using 7zip.
Furthermore I changed the file “zoo_sample.cfg” inside of the folder “C:\zookeeper-3.4.10\config” to “zoo.cfg”. Since I am not using anything fancy here, therefore I am going to use the default configuration. The only thing I changed in the “zoo.cfg” file is the location of the “dataDir”. I changed it from default value to “/data”.
Finally, I added a new system environment variable “ZOOKEEPER_HOME” with the path to the Zookeeper installation folder “C:\zookeeper-3.4.10”. Also updated the Path system environment variable to append “%ZOOKEEPER_HOME%\bin” to the end.
Installing Kafka
From the Kafka website http://kafka.apache.org/downloads.html I downloaded “Scala 2.11 – kafka_2.11-1.0.0.tgz (asc, sha512)” binary file. After downloading, I extracted the downloaded file into “C:\Kafka”.
In addition to that I edited the “server.properties” file and updated “log.dir” to use “/kafka_logs” instead of the default folder.
Running Kafka
First of all, I will run the Zookeeper server. For running Zookeeper server, I will open up a command prompt. And navigate to “C:\zookeeper-3.4.10\bin”. And type command “zkserver” and hit enter. As a result the Zookeeper server will be started.
After Zookeeper server is started, I will open up another command prompt window. And navigate to “c:\kafka\kafka_2.11-1.0.0\”. And type command “.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat ./config/server.properties”. As a result Kafka will be started.
Creating Kafka topic
First of all, I will create a topic and name it “timemanagement_booking”. This is the topic I will use for publishing data. Also my consumer will be subscribing to this topic.
For creating a topic, I will open up another command prompt. And navigate to “c:\kafka\kafka_2.11-1.0.0\bin\windows”. Finally type command “kafka-topics.bat –create –zookeeper localhost:2181 –replication-factor 1 –partitions 1 –topic timemanagement_booking” and hit enter. As a result a new topic named “timemanagement_booking” will be created.
In the command, there is one property most noteworthy. The property “replication-factor”, which determines how many nodes the topic will be replicated. Since I have only one instance Kafka installed on my PC. Hence I will use 1 for “replication-factor”.
Testing Kafka using inbuilt Producer/Consumer
First of all, I will have to make sure that the Kafka is functioning properly without any issues. Hence, I will use the built in Producer and Consumer applications. And check if the publish/subscribe is working as expected.
For running Producer, I will open up another command prompt. And navigate to “c:\kafka\kafka_2.11-1.0.0\bin\windows”. And type command “kafka-console-producer.bat –broker-list localhost:9092 –topic timemanagement_booking” and press enter. As a result, a new instance of producer will be started.
In addition to running Producer, I will have to run the Consumer as well. Hence, I will open up another command prompt. And navigate to “c:\kafka\kafka_2.11-1.0.0\bin\windows”. And type command “kafka-console-consumer.bat –zookeeper localhost:2181 –topic timemanagement_booking” and hit enter. As a result, a new instance of consumer will be started.
Finally when both Producer and Consumer are up and running, I will type a message “Hi” in the producer, and I can see its printed out in the consumer window.
Now that the Kafka infrastructure is working as expected, it is time to create a .Net Core Consumer.
Creating .Net Core Consumer
Create new Consumer Project
First of all I will open the TimeManagement
application solution in Visual Studio 2017. After the solution is opened, I am going to right click on the solution and select “Add” -> “New Project“. This will open up the New Project model window. In the New Project model window, I am going to select “.Net Core” -> “Console App (.NET Core)” and give the name of the project “TimeManagement.Streaming.Consumer
” and click “OK“.
Adding Nuget Package
After the project is created I will install nuget package for Kafka “Confluent.Kafka”. Hence I will right click on the project and then open the Manage Nuget Packages option. In the Package Manager window I will go to the Browse tab and search for Confluent.Kafka and install it.
After the nuget package is installed, I will create a new interface IBookingConsumer
, which will have the contract for listening to the Kafka stream. It will have a single method Listen
, which returns void
and takes an Action
delegate with string
as its single input parameter.
public interface IBookingConsumer { void Listen(Actionmessage); }
Finally, I will create the implementation class BookingConsumer
. And BookingConsumer
will be connecting and listening to Kafka stream. Also the BookingConsumer
will implement the IBookingConsumer
Furthermore inside BookingConsumer
class, I will import the Confluent.Kafka
and Confluent.Kafka.Serialization
namespaces. Because I need these namespaces for accessing Kafka API.
For the implementation of Listen
method, I will first create a configuration object, which is an instance of Dictionary
with key as string
and value as object
. This configuration object will be passed to the constructor of the Consumer
class of the Confluent.Kafka
After creating the Consumer
instance, I will Subscribe
to the “timemanagement_booking” topic. And attach an callback to the OnMessage
event. And when the event occurs, I will callback the caller of the function passing the value from the Kafka stream. Finally I will create a while
loop, where I will poll Kafka every 10 millisecond.
public class BookingConsumer : IBookingConsumer { public void Listen(Actionmessage) { var config = new Dictionary { {"group.id","booking_consumer" }, {"bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092" } { "enable.auto.commit", "false" } }; using(var consumer = new Consumer (config, null, new StringDeserializer(Encoding.UTF8))) { consumer.Subscribe("timemanagement_booking"); consumer.OnMessage += (_, msg) => { message(msg.Value); }; while (true) { consumer.Poll(100); } } }
Running .Net Core Kafka Consumer
So now that the .Net Core Kafka consumer code is complete, therefore I will implement the Main
method of the Program.cs
. And inside the Main
method I will create a new instance of BookingConsumer
. And call the Listen
method of the BookingConsumer
passing Console.Writeline
method. Finally I will set the Timemanagement.Streaming.Consumer
as startup project and press Ctrl+F5 to run the application.
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var bookingConsumer = new BookingConsumer(); bookingConsumer.Listen(Console.WriteLine); } }
Testing .Net Core Kafka Consumer
Since my .Net Core Kafka consumer is now running, hence I will open the command prompt where the built in Producer is running. Finally I will type a message “Hello booking consumer” and press enter. As a result I will see the message appearing immediately in the .Net Core consumer console.
In conclusion, implementing real-time streaming application using .Net Core and Kafka is extremely simple and easy. As you can see, it’s very straightforward creating a streaming application using Confluent.Kafka
nuget package. In my next post, I will create a .Net Core Producer as well.
I have a video with the steps followed for installing Kafka and creating the .Net Core consumer. Attached is the link to the YouTube video.
JRE Download: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html
7zip Download: http://www.7-zip.org/
Zookeeper Download: https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/zookeeper/
Kafka Download: https://kafka.apache.org/downloads
Confluent.Kafka Nuget: https://github.com/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-dotnet/